Sunday 4 July 2010

A new venture

Hello and welcome!

Just a bit of background to the blog - After completing 20 (yes, 20) years of school and university, I am finally about to embark on the world of work, as a Lawyer. No, I'm not boring. No, I'm not going to be rich (not much money in Family Law!) No, I am not balding. And no, neither of my parents are Lawyers.

The prospect of ending my formal education and commencing my career has made me feel a number of emotions...

1) Exhilarated!! - Money to buy pretty handbags and not-very-practical-but-oh-so-gorgeous shoes.

2) Grown up - I will be be involved in processes which will really affect peoples' lives.

3) Mourning - No more 10am wake ups for this Barrister. And bye bye, This Morning. I will miss watching you with my morning cup of coffee!

4) Creative - Which brings us to the birth of this blog. I've always really enjoyed writing, and sadly the last 2 years of Law school hasn't given me much of an opportunity to write in a creative way.

And so, here we are. I'm giving blog writing a bash. It's quite likely nobody will read it. But it will at least give me a creative outlet and an opportunity to record some of my experiences. I'm not entirely sure what I will write about yet - it's likely to be a mixture of my great passions - History, Food and Wine, Travel and Theatre.

If there's anybody out there...I hope you enjoy reading!

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